SOS Racism


– Advice network

– Legal assistance

-Bizilagunak: This is an initiative that consists of allowing natives and newcomers to the area to get together over a meal. It aims to overcome prejudices and stereotypes and share experiences, flavours and experiences that favour a more cohesive society.

– Neikea: Legal and psychosocial assistance for the restitution of legal and emotional damage to victims of hate crimes.

– Ruiseñor Mentorship: Social tool that promotes the relationship between people who volunteer to provide individual support to another person at risk of social exclusion, in which mentors (university or college students) help the mentorees (immigrant children aged 10 to 14).


Phone: 943 24 56 27



Wednesdays and Thursdays: 9: 00-14: 00
[* By appointment]



Arrasate Pasealekua, 3

20500 Arrasate, Gipuzkoa